Are you a “do it yourself” project enthusiast? If you are this is for you! First, building the circuit! This circuit is a popular phantom powered circuit based on the Schleps Design. It is a very easy and very clean circuit. The biggest trick with building it for a wireless microphone is laying it out on the perfboard. There’s not much space to get everything into the body. Follow the layouts and you should be fine. The microphone capsule has an internal fet and biasing, two large parts aren’t needed. The capsule I’ve chosen for this project is a Projects Unlimited capsule – 6538 L-R. It’s a great capsule and I have found the sonic quality to rival the famous Panasonic WM-61AY capsules. You can choose to use Panasonics here instead, if you like without changing anything else on the circuit.

With steel wool, lightly buff the copper side of the perfboard. This will mean that the soldering will be better. Then, with snippers, carefully cut a rectangle on the perfboard, more diy projects. Slide the board into the aluminum tube to make sure it goes in. File the edges of the perfboard smooth if it doesn’t fit. The fit should be snug. This is very important: make sure that no metal edges of the perfboard touch the aluminum body – only the fiberglass portion. If you cut too much, try again (you should have plenty of perfboard). Stuff the board (build the circuit). The Resisters will go in vertically. That means that one leg stays straight while the other is bent in a 180 degree loop. Use bits of the snipped resister and capacitor legs to act as the bridges from one hole to another. Everything should be very straightforward. Make sure to note the + and – of the capacitors and Zeners.